perjantai 10. huhtikuuta 2015

Here we go again!

Hello again!

It's time to continue my travelling blog! This time I'm going a bit farther than before, this time destination is Shanghai, China! That is not the only thing, that has changed, my travelling friend has changed also, this time I'm travelling with Mikko, who is my classmate.

How am I feeling at the moment? Better than ever, after all I can get out of grey Finland and travel a new exciting place, that I have only heard of and seen some pictures of. At the moment we are on a train to Helsinki, where we jump on our plane to Shanghai.

Journey this far has been fun and we've only just left Outokumpu, so I can't even imagine how fun it'll be when we get there.

Shanghai has 23 MILLION inhabitants, which is more than all the people in finland. That is crazy... It will be a big culture shock after Outokumpu, which has about 7000 people, so I guess that'll make about 3 285 people per one person in Outokumpu. That would be almost half of the people living in Outokumpu.

Well I'm extremely excited, to get to a whole new world. I'll update this blog about 3 times a week about my travels, so keep reading and adios!                         Coffee and egg and bacon bread, such tasty!

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