perjantai 14. maaliskuuta 2014

More than motivated! (by Miko)


I'm Miko and this is my first blog entry and this blog is about my and Severi's (my senior in the North-Karelia college) trip to a country named Slovenia. This blog will have a ton of pictures in the future posts, but for the first post you'll have to manage with reading my boring text-only post.

I'm leaving for Slovenia tomorrow morning with Severi. The thing is I've never been to a plane before, so that makes me kinda nervous. Actually I've never been anywhere farther to Finland than Estonia (Estonia is a country just next to Finland). How does this trip make me feel? Well... excited of course, little bit nervous, but most of all I'm more than motivated to go!

Now I'll go to sleep, or at least try to. Next post (which will probably be a little bit more interesting and varied) will appear in a near future. Thank you and good night!

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