tiistai 18. maaliskuuta 2014

Flight, Ljubljana and getting started (by Miko)

Good Evening!

First flight is behind me and now I've been to total of 4 different countries. Finland, Estonia, Germany and Slovenia. Wow... they keep stacking up don't they? Even though I don't think German counts, because I've been only to the airport of Frankfurt.

Photo taken from the airport of Frankfurt

My image on flying was way more exciting than it actually was. It was like one of those disappointing cool looking amusement park devices everyone's been to, but it was fun experience despite that and I can't deny the fact that view from the plane is cool even after seeing tons of those photos taken from the window of the plane, where you see one of the wings, sun and clouds.

Finally we arrived to Ljubljana after hours of travelling and waiting at the airports. We grabbed a taxi, which played same crappy hit songs I heard dozens of times in Finland, it took us to our hostel where we will be staying for next 6 weeks. First when we entered it had this Arabic theme to it, like in the Disney movie Aladdin, you know, the movie everyone has seen in their childhood or at least should have seen. At the reception window there was this owner, who gave us all the info we needed, from the hostel rules to bus timetables. Everyone so far has been really kind and customer service has been much better compared to Finland.

Staircase in the hostel Aladin

We threw our luggage into our hostel room and went out to explore the city. It was pretty interesting, but the most suprising thing was that the city was so quiet. We walked few kilometers until we got to the center and it was so quiet compared to the Finnish cities. After sometime we heard music in distance and went to investigate. We found out that at the square there was somekind of music performance. There were a lot of people watching it.

People at the square

Monday we arrived at the education center to get our first assignment from our coordinator. After we had done our contracts we then went with one of the mentors to get a cup of coffee and at the coffee we got our first assignment, which is to make a video about our impression of Ljubljana. Then our mentor showed us around in the SloRTV main building after that we went to have another cup of coffee, talked a little and then we started planning our project. We have this week to make our project and we will make our best to make it as good as possible. Now I'm out, thank you and good bye.

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